Oct 8, 2015

Body parts in Koine Greek

These are all words found in the New Testament. They are arranged around a picture of an advertisement model of an airline.
Can you recall where in the NT are foreheads, arms, cheeks etc. mentioned?

Oct 7, 2015



Oct 6, 2015

Poetry in the Greek New Testament

"Man cannot live without a song"--I read a sentence somewhat like this in Our Father Abraham by Marvin Wilson, but now I'm too lazy to find the exact quote and the page number. Anyway, recently I feel deeply that a person really cannot live without songs. Singing is different from speaking. We need songs. In seeking to immerse myself in NT Greek / Koine Greek, I really need songs--songs of praise and prayers. The NT contains no book of psalms. So I start excerpting and learning the Psalms quotations in the NT, together with other verses written in the genre of poetry, such as quotations of the OT prophets. Exclamations, crying out to the Lord, expressing wonder and amazement, pouring out one's heart to the Lord with words of biblical songs, singing--is essential. Life is not prosaic.

Unfortunately I am not good at composing tunes. So for the time being I read them aloud as poems with feeling. I hope that someone can turn these NT Greek poetic lines into songs with tunes. If you have done so, please tell me! Actually I'd like to try to make music with these words, but I do not have a guitar or a piano here when I'm sojourning in another city!

1. What is Man
Heb 2:6-8=Psa 8:4-6
τί ἐστιν ἄνθρωπος ὅτι μιμνῄσκῃ αὐτοῦ, [ind. pres. mid.]
ἢ υἱὸς ἀνθρώπου ὅτι ἐπισκέπτῃ αὐτόν;

Oct 5, 2015

Please correct me if you know Koine Greek!

Please correct me if you know Koine Greek!

The following is written in Koine Greek--well, at least I'm trying to write in Koine Greek.
I know that the only way to make the words and grammar rules really stay in my head is to use the words and the rules. So I'm trying to write something. No one has checked what I’ve written so I do not know how many errors I have made.

I'm trying to write something with vocabularies from 1 Timothy chapter 3.

Ὀρεγομαι μαθειν την διαλεκτον της Καινης Διαθηκης. Ὀρεγομαι ἀναγνωσκειν την Καινην Διαθηκην καλως.

Sep 21, 2015

Some study aids which I recently came across

Sing and Learn New Testament Greek (CD)

Mainly this CD puts noun endings and verb endings etc. into familiar tunes. Frequently the lyrics are not make up of words, but of endings. Well this kind of songs is not to my taste. It sounds so meaningless and awkward. I don't think I can memorize the endings like that. I prefer the endings to be rehearsed together with real words in memorable and meaningful (and fun) contexts.

Song School Greek, by Michelle Hahne

(Children's book with CD which has songs)
This is pretty cool.

Sep 4, 2015

Label your stuff with NT Greek

Here are ten Koine Greek words for objects in your house or apartment, such as "pen" and "key." All are from the New Testament. Do you remember where do these items appear?
I've just written labels of these things and stuck them on the objects in my room. I think it is a fun way to familiarize oneself with NT Greek words.

1lightning (electricity)ἀστραπηf